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week 7 *last day*

today is friday august 21, the last day of the week. yesterday was the day of the symposium and me and maria presented together. we had a very good power point presentation that very many people said that they enjoyed. our poster was good too. we worked very hard to complete these presentations and i am very pleased with how it all turned out. the symposium was great. we sat in on monica's power point also, she was inspirational. im glad i got to experience this great oppertunity.


I was quietly writing an article when two high school interns entered my office. Avilash and Tanner wanted to make a CMOP video and needed my help. Being game for something fun, I said sure. This is what we came up with. Enjoy.


Week 10... Finally it has all been done. The most stressful part for me of this week has been the presentation and the final paper. After having finished all those tasks, I got to say it was very liberating. Below I have attached, the final outcome of my Google Earth tour, which is the one I showed at the presentation in case any of you may be interested in watching it on your computers.

It's been nice working with you all the interns.
Goodluck to you all '09 CMOPers!

week 7 *getting ready*

this is my 7th week at CMOP and me and maria are getting ready for the symposium which is tomorrow. we completed our power point yesterday and presented it to Karen and Charles and Monica, we made a few corrections and now its finished. today we are going to present it again and finish our posters. then we are going to figure out what we are going to say and get everything in check for tomorrow. i cant believe the symposium is actually tomorrow. dang time flys! im not nervous about it though. im ready to get it over with.

week 10

Well it was sad to see all the other interns go this last week. I enjoyed hanging out with all of them, and we had a great time. The final presentations were very interesting. I was surprised by how different the work everyone did was.


Week 10

Last blog. Sad! This has been extremely busy week. On Monday I found out two things about aniline. One, it is light sensitive so my stock that I had made up has been degraded into something else. Two, the new column that was put on last week does not elute aniline well and as a result it smears the peak so it is difficult to see. Despite this, we continued on with HPLC analysis and were able to obtain data for most of the reactions. At the same time I was doing HPLC analysis, the Johnson lab did GC headspace analysis on my samples to assess concentration of nitrobenzene and aniline.

Final Week

Monday through Wednesday we finished up the data collecting for the experiment. We realized we wouldn't be able to complete the final processing steps within the timeframe of the internship so instead we decided I should focus on furthering the model runs.

When all was said and done I finished off my report and paper and rather enjoyed the presentation.

It has been a great experience working with my fellow interns and colleagues at CMOP.


So this is my last blog ever!!!  This past week has been pretty crazy trying to cram in as much lab work as I could while also working on my final powerpoint presentation and paper.  

Last Two Weeks!

 Accidentally forgetting to write my blog for last week here is my final blog entry...

Over the last two I had just been busy working on finishing up what I could for my project by tying up loose ends in regard to the PCR primers. Since most primers proved to be ineffective I had spent most of last week just trying to find an optimal temperature along with magnesium concentration. While the temperature experiment was successful the magnesium experiment continued to fail. After four tries I realized I needed to get rolling on the final presentation and paper. 

Final Blog

I presented my work today-overall it went pretty well.  Unfortunately, I didn't draw many definite conclusions from the work I've done this summer.  It appears nucleotide spacing is not responsible for aerobic narG transcription, and the role of the putative upstream Fnr-binding site is still unknown.  However, the summer as a whole was great-I gained a ton of practical lab experience that I'll be able to take with me to school and beyond.


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