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Phoebe Launched

Underwater glider sets off on research mission

Phoebe, CMOP's underwater glider, was deployed off the R/V Wecoma near Grays Harbor today. She is on a mission to cover the area between the Queets River and the Grays Harbor line looking for hypoxic water. View her latest observations.


Before and after of instrument in ocean for 6 months

This photo is an example of biofouling on the scientific instruments attached to the Sitka mooring.

Biofouling or biological fouling is the undesirable accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae, and/or animals on wetted structures.


The acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP) stopped working because it was completely encased by gooseneck barnacles. They were so dense that the ADCP could not produce a record of water current velocities.

Retrieving Sitka - An Ocean Observing Mooring

I am aboard the Research Vessel Wecoma heading west on the Newport Hydrographic Line to document the retrieval of the mooring called Sitka.

RDFS deployment at LNEC

In the rdfs account's cron file are the commands used to prepare, launch, and clean up the forecast.

As user 'rdfs' run 'crontab -l' to get a listing of the contents of the crontab file:

########## aveiro ####################
10 0 * * * /home/rdfs/forecasts/aveiro/bin/ /home/rdfs/forecasts/aveiro > /home/rdfs/forecasts/aveiro/log/ 2>&1
0 10 * * * /home/rdfs/forecasts/aveiro/bin/ /home/rdfs/forecasts/aveiro 90 > /home/rdfs/forecasts/aveiro/tomorrow/log/ 2>&1

Shorter is Sweeter

The importance of being brief was one of the take away messages from today's NSF Workshop on Science Journalism.

Science journalist, Cheryl Lyn Dybas from NSF hosted the workshop at the 2010 Ocean Science Meeting in Portland. She presented interesting insight into scientific communication.

Virtual Columbia River

The center released the new Virtual Columbia River web site today.

The Virtual Columbia River includes self-redundant long-term simulation databases of 4D (space-time) circulation, designed to characterize contemporary variability and change.

Graphic of virtual Columbia river The site contains an amazing Columbia River Climatological Atlas.

Diver training

Lindsey Longway intern for CMOP in the tank learning how to use the surface supplied air unit. This is how the Astoria field team services stations which require diving.

CTD's along the Strawberry Hill Hydroline (9/10/09)

The scientific crew of CMOP's Fall 2009 New Horizon cruise. Adena Kass, Michelle Maier, Pete Kahl, Vikki Campbell, Matt Wolhowe, Natalja Kuvaldina, Justin Reina, Tawnya Peterson, Colleen Durkin, Sara Bender, Yolanda Morales, Grant Law, Morgaine McKibben, Josh Manger, Missy Gilbert, and Patrick Prahl (not pictured: Caroline Fortunado and Fred Prahl)

Crushing pressures, sharks, & laser beams (9/9/09)

Morgaine McKibben and Colleen Durkin create marker-masterpieces on foam chunks in preparation for the 2800 meter CTD drop

Steaming to the Newport Hydroline (9/8/09)

Josh Manger snaps a shot of Cape Disappointment as the New Horizon clears the Columbia River bar


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