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Mission 11, Day 13

Phoebe is now making her way south and making about .34 m/s. Her heading is 46 dergrees and she is about 4 km from her next waypoint.


Phoebe is now headed north along the inshore waypoints.

Phoebe's Progress

Phoebe is about 28 km from the first waypoint. Below are profiles from the last data sent.

Phoebe-Mission 6

Phoebe is headed for the first waypoint of Mission 6 and is about 36 km away. Above are the dive profiles and surface intervals as she goes offshore.

Glider Data Transmitted

Phoebe is headed for her first waypoint at 4652.000N, 12500.000W and is approximately 27 km away, as of 8:44 this morning. The graph shows the depth profile.

Diver training

Lindsey Longway intern for CMOP in the tank learning how to use the surface supplied air unit. This is how the Astoria field team services stations which require diving.

Phoebe Mission 3

The temperature profile shows a drop in ocean temperature to about 7 degrees C, just off the coast of Washington near Grays Harbor.

The oxygen profile show a decrease in dissolved oxygen.

Chlorophyll profile

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