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Last Two Weeks!
Accidentally forgetting to write my blog for last week here is my final blog entry...
Over the last two I had just been busy working on finishing up what I could for my project by tying up loose ends in regard to the PCR primers. Since most primers proved to be ineffective I had spent most of last week just trying to find an optimal temperature along with magnesium concentration. While the temperature experiment was successful the magnesium experiment continued to fail. After four tries I realized I needed to get rolling on the final presentation and paper.
Now that presentations are over and my time at CMOP has been completed, I just want to thank all for a great summer internship experience. I feel like I have learned a good number of research techniques along with experiencing how things are in a graduate school environment. Since this is my final blog I just want to say to all PEACE!
-Jordan Nakayama
August 2009