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My Last Week as a "CMOPtern"

 My last week was all about perfecting my presentation and working on my paper.  I can't believe how fast the summer went by! It feels like just yesterday when I first arrived. I had so much fun here at CMOP learning and working in the lab! Thie internship was definitely a learning experience and I'm so glad I was able to participate.  This experience definitely helped me grow as a scientist and student while exposing me to different career options.  It's definitely sad to leave, but I will be taking everything I learned here with me in the future!

Week 9 - Finally the Start of Project Two

 This week was all about finally starting to run experiments on the streptavidin beads. Since we were done with all our temperature experiments and had GREAT results, we moved on to see what we could find with project 2.  Unfortunately, our days at Sharp were unsuccessful because the streptavidin-biotin experiments did not work out great. We found no trend in any of the sensor array responses we gathered but we definitely kept trying. The rest of the week at CMOP was focused on writing my paper and working on my final presentation. One week left!

Saying Good-bye

This week, I am working on presentations and my final paper before I leave. I had such an amazing time at CMOP. I am so pleased to be apart of thins program once again.. 

The End of All Things (And the Start of New Beginnings)

Today marks the final day and final blog of my summer internship here at CMOP. My time here has been wonderful. I have learned a variety of new techniques, built amazing relationships, and gained vast amount of  knowledge in a field of science I know little about. I know that I am taking away valuable lessons and skills that will assist me in my future as a college student and as a scientist. CMOP has opened doors to new possibilities and has given me new perspectives on career options.

Wrapping up loose ends

Presentation complete, blog entry finished, paper turned in (almost), badge and apartment keys surrendered, car packed. Everybody's happy. I had a great time and benefitted immensely. See ya later CMOP. Cynthia over and out!

Home stretch...

The week is not quite done, but I've caught a bit of a break, so here I am. This marks the end of my 8th week here. This week, I had a bit of an epiphany as to why the data came out strange on the T. weissflogii calibration. Our scale factor turned out to be almost exactly double the scale factor from the WET Labs calibration ten years ago. These instruments don't drift more than 5% or so in that amount of time -- they're built very well. There are two ranges for these sensors: 0.03-75.0 ppm and 0.10-150 ppm. The normal range covers only half of what the high range covers.

Week 8: Experiments Galore

This week was nothing exciting, but I did finish up most of the experiments I needed to do this summer, in order to write my final presentation for next week. 

Week 10 - Rapping Things Up

So there goes the summer!  Time here at CMOP went too fast; it seems like just yesterday I was moving into the apartments down the road from campus and feeling anxious for day one of this internship.  My time here has been packed with science, mathematics, and nonstop fun.

This week has been a lot of paper writing, folder organizing, and wrapping up last minute things.  I have finished creating my final presentation, written my final paper, handed over my CMOP materials to me mentors, and said one last goodbye to Oregon.


This past week was spent analyzing filtered habitat criteria. The filtration produced is very interesting and at first thought, I had no idea on where to begin or what would be the best way to analyze, but began with the approach of finding significant details throughout the images. 

Week 8: The Week before the Storm

The end of the internship is near, and with presentations coming up next week the pressure is on to get the results we need to progress.


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