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Wecoma Cruise -- Sep 2011

9/26/2011  Monday
Loading day.  We kept on schedule.  Buoys destined for NH-10, OGI-01 and SATURN-02 were secured to the deck.  Water processing equiment was installed in the wet lab.  The science party arrived safely and all slept on board, ready for the 10am Tues departure.  At the meeting on the bridge with the captain and mates it was decided assess the situation in the morning.

9/27/2011  Tuesday

Week 10- Final Week

            Sadly, last week was my final week as a CMOP intern. The final presentations for the project went well; this internship has definitely improved my presentation skills because I now feel more comfortable getting up in front of people to discuss my research and work. Having the two other interns, Cynthia Boshell and Althea Walker, to stand up there with me and present as a group was also a big help.

Week 10: And Then There Were Four

My last week at CMOP was very quiet, since only four interns were left, but it was also very busy. Most of my week was spent on wrapping up my project so that my mentors could use and understand what I have accomplished over the summer. I organized all of my experiment files so that they could be acessed quickly and so that they could be more intuitive. I also worked on finishing up my final paper. A long and tortuous ordeal, but one that will be fruitful in the end.

The Culmination of an Awesome Summer

In the last week of my internship, results presented themselves and the end to a ten week project was successfully completed. I was able to state the results of our project regarding salmon. For my final presentation, all results could not be displayed, but the most significant results were presented. Favorable adult salmon holding habitat was established, along with the details of the impact of climate change on coho and steelhead adults. Also, the impact of dam discharge on sub-yearling migrants was determined.


A bittersweet ending

I'm both excited and sad to say that I'm done here at the APL. Just a few more small loose ends to tie up tomorrow and then I'll be heading home to Portland. It has been an incredible summer - one I'll never forget! A few closing thoughts: 

Week 10: Last Week

Week 9: Final Presentations

This was the last week for many of the interns, and final presentations were given on Thursday and Friday. Since I started a week later than most interns, I still have another week of work to do on my project, but still gave my presentation this week. In addition to preparing for my presentation, I also continued running samples and processing data. The real-life frustrations of science presented themselves on Wednesday, when my senior scientist informed me that a large portion of my data would have to be reprocessed.

Week 9: The Tide Is High but I’m Holding On

This week was a busy one with last minute results, final presentations, and a final paper there was a lot to do. Its a good thing I still have one more week to get things done.

Week 9- Final Presentations

     Week 9 was rather hectic; all of the interns, including myself, were trying to finish up their projects and prepare final presentations. I had the pleasure of discovering that the data for one of the scenarios I filtered was incorrect at the last moment, so I had to re-filter all of that data as fast as possible before our final presentations. Overall I think the final presentations for both CMOP and CRITFC ran smoothly.

Week 9: Time Really Does Fly...

Wow, only 1 week left of my feels like I only started last week.


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