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Cynthia Boshell's blog

Wrapping up loose ends

Presentation complete, blog entry finished, paper turned in (almost), badge and apartment keys surrendered, car packed. Everybody's happy. I had a great time and benefitted immensely. See ya later CMOP. Cynthia over and out!

Saving Pacific lamprey, one mind at a time

Today's petroglyph tour was such a great experience. As part of a group of 25 random "tourists," we were guided along a trail overlooking the River that ran beneath a cliff face. On these basalt cliffs are centuries-old pictographs and petroglyphs.


The highlight of the week was the trip to Astoria, where I met Saturn 1 in person.

NSF Comes A-Visiting

The NSF site visit was the highlight of the week.

I'm no Elmer Crow ...

... but I'm preparing to talk about lamprey.

Lamprey sighting

Photo: Cynthia Boshell

The highlight of the week was a trip to Bonneville Dam, where I had a nice surprise: Lamprey were attached to the viewing window!

Wading through data

After much research, I have collected enough data so that we can begin running computer models of lamprey habitat requirements in the Columbia River estuary.

I Love Lamprey!

Photo of Juvenile Lamprey
Photo: Dave Olsen, AP

"We're not going to get salmon recovery unless we get lamprey recovery." - David Clugston, Fish Biologist, USACE

First Steps in the Journey

The story of lamprey in the Columbia River system is both fascinating and compelling.

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