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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2011
Green, V., Smythe W.F. . 2011Three Stories From The Pacific Northwest: Analyses of Changing River & Coastal Habitats in Native Communities. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN
Smythe, S.R.K., Smythe, W.F. . 2011Iron Oxidizing Bacteria. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M, Davis, R.E., Lee, S-W, Tebo, B.M. . 2011Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic to Marine Ecosystem At Soda Bay, Alaska. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN
Zhang, Y.. 2011New Development of SELFE Modeling System and Applications to Inundation Studies. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference. November 7, 2011. St. Augustine, FL
Maier, M.A., Peterson, T.D.. 2011Description of a putative oomycete parasite associated with the harmful alga, Pseudo-nitzschia. 7th Annual Heceta Head Conference. October 28, 2011. Florence, OR
Needoba, J.A.. 2011Implementation of a Columbia River coastal observatory for ecosystem research and monitoring. 7th Annual Heceta Head Conference. October 28, 2011. Florence, OR
Durkin, C.A., Bender, S.J., Armbrust, E.V.. 2011Excessive silicic acid supply leads to increased silicification in coastal diatoms. Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference. October 11, 2011. Tahoe, CA
Crump, B.C.. 2011Microbial Biogeography of Large Rivers. Global Rivers Workshop. October 5, 2011. Woods Hole, MA
Baptista, A.M.. 2011A virtual journey through the mighty Columbia River estuary: ocean science that fits in your classroom. Hispanic Engineering, Science and Technology Week. September 26, 2011. Edinburg, Texas
Smythe, W.F.. 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge Into Geoscience Education. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) 58th Annual Conference . September 19, 2011. Tulalip, WA
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M, Davis, R.E., Lee, S-W, and Tebo, B.M.. 2011Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic to Marine Ecosystem At Soda Bay, Alaska. STC Directors Meeting. September 13, 2011. Lawrence, KS
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M., Hugo, R. Baptista, A.M. . 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. STC Directors Meeting. September 13, 2011. Lawrence, KS
Slasor, L.A., Needoba, J.A., Koch, C.. 2011Spectral fluorescence study of the degradation of crude oil mixed with seawater.  American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry 242nd ACS National Meeting. August 29, 2011. Denver, CO
Simon, H.M., Smith, M. Herfort, L., Campbel, V., Tyrol,, K., Zeigler, L. Allen, A. , Suciu, D. . 2011Archaea in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. Gordon Research Conference. August 1, 2011. Waterville Valley, NH
Goldman. J.H. Rounds, S. Needoba, J.A. . 2011Applications of fluorescence spectroscopy for predicting percent wastewater in an urban stream. IWA conference on Natural Organic Matter. July 27, 2011. Costa Mesa, CA
Lauffenburger, N, Sanford T.. 2011Sigma Profiler. Coastal Zone Conference. July 18, 2011. Chicago, IL.
Smythe, W.F.. 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Southeast Alaska Environmental Conference. June 27, 2011. Juneau, AK
Smythe, W.F., Christianson, A.D. . 2011Contaminated sites in & around Hydaburg Alaska. Southeast Alaska Environmental Conference. June 27, 2011. Juneau, AK
Schilling. J. 2011The Ins and Outs of Being a CMOP Blogger. CMOP Undergraduate Internship. June 14, 2011. Beaverton, OR
Schwarsztein, J., Ribalet, F., Armbrust, E.V. . 2011Using novel flow cytometry technology to analyze microscopic algae populations in the North Pacific. Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 20, 2011. Seattle, WA
Ribalet, F. . 2011Importance of marine ecotone in biogeochemical cycles. Chemical Oceanography Lunch Seminar. May 13, 2011. Seattle, WA
Plant, W.J.. 2011Observations with Low-Grazing-Angle Coherent Radars on Rivers and Oceans, Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radars. Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radar. May 4, 2011. Lerici, Italy
Lauffenburger, N.E., Sanford, T.B.. 2011Remote Sensing of Salinity Intrusions in a Marine Estuary. Earth and Ocean Sciences. April 29, 2011. Vancouver, BC
Baptista, A. M.. 2011The NSF Science Technology Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction: A National and Pacific Northwest Asset. Marine Technology Society - Puget Sound Section Annual Meeting. April 21, 2011. Beaverton, OR
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011Needles in Haystacks: Finding Observational Data with Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. American Association of Geographers Space-Time Symposium. April 13, 2011. Seattle, WA
Green, V., Smythe, W.F. . 2011Microbial Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Regional Conference. April 1, 2011. Portland, OR
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011Data Near Here: Ranked Geospatial-Temporal Search for Scientific Data. 19th Annual GIS in Action Meeting. March 29, 2011. Portland, OR
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011Needles in Haystacks: Finding Observational Data with Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. 19th Annual GIS in Action Meeting. March 29, 2011. Portland, OR
Zhang, Y.. 2011Challenges in 3D cross-scale modeling. SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences. March 21, 2011. Long Beach, CA.
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M., Hugo, R. Baptista, A. M.. 2011Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) Meeting. March 11, 2011. Marysville , WA
