Green, V., Smythe W.F. . 2011. Three Stories From The Pacific Northwest: Analyses of Changing River & Coastal Habitats in Native Communities. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN |
Smythe, S.R.K., Smythe, W.F. . 2011. Iron Oxidizing Bacteria. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN |
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M, Davis, R.E., Lee, S-W, Tebo, B.M. . 2011. Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic to Marine Ecosystem At Soda Bay, Alaska. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) National Conference. November 10, 2011. St. Paul, MN |
Zhang, Y.. 2011. New Development of SELFE Modeling System and Applications to Inundation Studies. Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference. November 7, 2011. St. Augustine, FL |
Maier, M.A., Peterson, T.D.. 2011. Description of a putative oomycete parasite associated with the harmful alga, Pseudo-nitzschia. 7th Annual Heceta Head Conference. October 28, 2011. Florence, OR |
Needoba, J.A.. 2011. Implementation of a Columbia River coastal observatory for ecosystem research and monitoring. 7th Annual Heceta Head Conference. October 28, 2011. Florence, OR |
Durkin, C.A., Bender, S.J., Armbrust, E.V.. 2011. Excessive silicic acid supply leads to increased silicification in coastal diatoms. Eastern Pacific Ocean Conference. October 11, 2011. Tahoe, CA |
Crump, B.C.. 2011. Microbial Biogeography of Large Rivers. Global Rivers Workshop. October 5, 2011. Woods Hole, MA |
Baptista, A.M.. 2011. A virtual journey through the mighty Columbia River estuary: ocean science that fits in your classroom. Hispanic Engineering, Science and Technology Week. September 26, 2011. Edinburg, Texas |
Smythe, W.F.. 2011. Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge Into Geoscience Education. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) 58th Annual Conference . September 19, 2011. Tulalip, WA |
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M, Davis, R.E., Lee, S-W, and Tebo, B.M.. 2011. Iron & Manganese Depositing Cold-Seeps: A Lotic to Marine Ecosystem At Soda Bay, Alaska. STC Directors Meeting. September 13, 2011. Lawrence, KS |
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M., Hugo, R. Baptista, A.M. . 2011. Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. STC Directors Meeting. September 13, 2011. Lawrence, KS |
Slasor, L.A., Needoba, J.A., Koch, C.. 2011. Spectral fluorescence study of the degradation of crude oil mixed with seawater. American Chemical Society Division of Environmental Chemistry 242nd ACS National Meeting. August 29, 2011. Denver, CO |
Simon, H.M., Smith, M. Herfort, L., Campbel, V., Tyrol,, K., Zeigler, L. Allen, A. , Suciu, D. . 2011. Archaea in the Columbia River Coastal Margin. Gordon Research Conference. August 1, 2011. Waterville Valley, NH |
Goldman. J.H. Rounds, S. Needoba, J.A. . 2011. Applications of fluorescence spectroscopy for predicting percent wastewater in an urban stream. IWA conference on Natural Organic Matter. July 27, 2011. Costa Mesa, CA |
Lauffenburger, N, Sanford T.. 2011. Sigma Profiler. Coastal Zone Conference. July 18, 2011. Chicago, IL. |
Smythe, W.F.. 2011. Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Southeast Alaska Environmental Conference. June 27, 2011. Juneau, AK |
Smythe, W.F., Christianson, A.D. . 2011. Contaminated sites in & around Hydaburg Alaska. Southeast Alaska Environmental Conference. June 27, 2011. Juneau, AK |
Schilling. J. 2011. The Ins and Outs of Being a CMOP Blogger. CMOP Undergraduate Internship. June 14, 2011. Beaverton, OR |
Schwarsztein, J., Ribalet, F., Armbrust, E.V. . 2011. Using novel flow cytometry technology to analyze microscopic algae populations in the North Pacific. Annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium. May 20, 2011. Seattle, WA |
Ribalet, F. . 2011. Importance of marine ecotone in biogeochemical cycles. Chemical Oceanography Lunch Seminar. May 13, 2011. Seattle, WA |
Plant, W.J.. 2011. Observations with Low-Grazing-Angle Coherent Radars on Rivers and Oceans, Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radars. Sensing the Ocean with Marine Radar. May 4, 2011. Lerici, Italy |
Lauffenburger, N.E., Sanford, T.B.. 2011. Remote Sensing of Salinity Intrusions in a Marine Estuary. Earth and Ocean Sciences. April 29, 2011. Vancouver, BC |
Baptista, A. M.. 2011. The NSF Science Technology Center for Coastal Margin Observation & Prediction: A National and Pacific Northwest Asset. Marine Technology Society - Puget Sound Section Annual Meeting. April 21, 2011. Beaverton, OR |
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011. Needles in Haystacks: Finding Observational Data with Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. American Association of Geographers Space-Time Symposium. April 13, 2011. Seattle, WA |
Green, V., Smythe, W.F. . 2011. Microbial Dynamics in Coastal Ecosystems. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) Regional Conference. April 1, 2011. Portland, OR |
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011. Data Near Here: Ranked Geospatial-Temporal Search for Scientific Data. 19th Annual GIS in Action Meeting. March 29, 2011. Portland, OR |
Megler, V. M., Maier, D.. 2011. Needles in Haystacks: Finding Observational Data with Geospatial and Temporal Characteristics. 19th Annual GIS in Action Meeting. March 29, 2011. Portland, OR |
Zhang, Y.. 2011. Challenges in 3D cross-scale modeling. SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences. March 21, 2011. Long Beach, CA. |
Smythe, W.F., McAllister, S.M., Hugo, R. Baptista, A. M.. 2011. Incorporating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into Geoscience Education. Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indians (ATNI) Meeting. March 11, 2011. Marysville , WA |