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Presentations by CMOP Members

Year: 2017
Crump, B.. 2017KEYNOTE: Estuaries as bioreactors: transdisciplinary research on the Columbia River estuary. 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress. June 13, 2017. Rostock, Germany
Crump, Byron C., Fine, Lindy M., Herfort, Lydie, Smith, Maria W., Payet Jerome P., Simon, Holly M.. 2017The Estuarine Metagenome of Microbial Communities in the Columbia River estuary. JGI User Meeting 2017. March 22, 2017. Walnut Creek, CA.
Year: 2016
Waterhouse, J. 2016Nexus of Indigenous Knowledge and Ecosystem Services. ACES: A Community on Ecosystem Services. December 6, 2016. Jacksonville, FL
Golda, R.L., Peterson, T.D., Needoba, J.A.. 2016Assessing efficacy of fluorescent pH indicators for measuring intracellular pH of phytoplankton. ASLO 2016 Summer Meeting. June 5, 2016. Santa Fe, NM
Needoba, J.A., Peterson, T.D., Seaton, C., Riseman, S.F., Baptista, A.M.. 2016Anomalous hydrologic and biogeochemical conditions in the Columbia River estuary during 2014-2015. Columbia River Estuary Conference 2016. May 25, 2016. Astoria, Oregon
Tausz, C., Needoba, J., Maier, M., Hapke, W., Hanson, A., Corbett, C.. 2016Inter-annual variability in phytoplankton dynamics in off-channel habitats of the Columbia River estuary. Columbia River Estuary Conference 2016. May 25, 2016. Astoria, Oregon
Baptista, A.M., Rostaminia, M., Turner, P.J., Kärnä, T., Lopez, J.. 2016Salinity in the Willamette River? Seriously?!? Estuarine tales of rising seas, seismic subsidence and uncertainty. Columbia River Estuary Conference 2016. May 24, 2016. Astoria, Oregon
Golda, R., Peterson, T., Needoba, J.. 2016Assessing the efficacy of fluorescent pH indicators for measuring intracellular pH of phytoplankton. OHSU Research Week. May 2, 2016. Portland, OR
Simon, H. M., Smith, M. W., Herfort, L. and Rivers. A. R.. 2016Characterization of microbial "hotspots" of organic matter degradation in a fast-flowing estuary. 11th Annual DOE Joint Genome Institute Genomics of Energy and Environment Meeting. March 22, 2016. Walnut Creek, CA.
Chickadel, C.C., McNeil, C., Shcherbina, A., Farquharson, G., Karna, T., Baptista, A.. 2016AUV and Aircraft Measurements of an Internal Hydraulic Jump at the Mouth of the Columbia River. 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting, AGU/ASLO/TOS. February 21, 2016. New Orleans, LA
Baptista, A.. 2016Observations in Estuaries. POGO Plenary Meeting (POGO-17). January 27, 2016. Yokohama, Japan
Morrice, K.J.. 2016Graduate Training in the Age of Collaboratories: A Student’s Perspective. Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans (POGO-17) meeting. January 26, 2016. Yokohama, Japan
Year: 2015
Needoba, J.A, Peterson, T.D., Riseman, S., Wilkin, M., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of Nutrients and Organic Carbon in the Columbia River: Observing Transformations Using a Biogeochemical Sensor Network. AGU Fall Meeting. December 14, 2015. San Francisco, CA
Cervantes, B., Spitz, Y., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Modeling the formation, retention and ecological impact of Mesodinium blooms in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR
Karna, T., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Water renewal time scales in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR
Llebot, C., Spitz, Y., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Monitoring and modeling the net ecosystem metabolism of the Columbia River estaury. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR
Baptista, A., Buskey, E., Davis, M., Leinen, M., Subramanian, V., Spitz, Y.. 2015Our Virtual Global Estuary. CERF 2015: Grand Challenges in Estuarine & Coastal Science: Securing our Future. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR
Herfort. L., Crump, B., Fortunato, C., McCue, L.A., Campbell, V., Simon, H., Fine, L., Baptista, A.M., Zuber, P.. 2015Factors shaping the composition and metabolic activity of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima bacterial communities. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Seaton, C., Turner, P., Jesus, G., Fortunato, A., Oliveira, A., Baptista, A.M.. 2015Operational estuarine modeling: lessons learned from selected US and Portuguese estuaries (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Morrice, K., Baptista, A.M., Karna, T., Lopez, J., Spitz, Y., MacCready, P.. 2015Sensitivity of shelf and estuary circulation simulations to atmospheric forcing and ocean boundary conditions (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Rostaminia, M., Baptista, A.M., Lopez, J., Turner, P., Roegner, G.C., Teel, D.. 2015Salmon habitat response to sea level rise and seismic subsidence in the Columbia River estuary (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Crump, B., Fine, L., Fortunato, C., Herfort, L., Needoba, J., Rinehimer, J.P., McNeil, C., Lopez, J.. 2015Controls on estuarine bioreactors: particulate organic matter predicts bacterial productivity in the Columbia river estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Simon, H., Smith, M., Herfort, L.. 2015Comparative metagenomics of sediment microbial communities in diverse lateral bays of the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Smith, M., Herfort, L., Crump, B., Fine, L., Simon, H.. 2015Defining relationships between physical forcing and microbial population dynamics in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Zuber, P., Vorhees, I., Maxey, K., Herfort, L., Simon, H., Ribalet, F., Grobler, K., Peterson, T.. 2015Evidence that Mesodinium major and its specific Teleaulax prey can generate red-water Mesodinium blooms (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Watson, S., Needoba, J., Peterson, T.. 2015Role of polyphosphate accumulating organixms in diel cycling of phosphorus in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Pfeiffer-Herbert, A., Lerczak, J., Prahl, F.. 2015Quantifying temporal variability of lateral biogeochemical fluxes in a rapidly flushed estuary (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR
Besse, I., Green, V., Ward, M., Watts, N., Baptista, A.M.. 2015The biomathematics workshop: A new model for inter-institutional collaboration and interdisciplinary undergraduate research. CERF 2015. November 9, 2015. Portland, OR
Golda, R., Golda, M., Hayes, J., Peterson, T., Needoba, J.. 2015A novel pHstat system with variable pH capabilities for the culture of estuarine phytoplankton. CERF 2015. November 9, 2015. Portland, OR
Green, V., Atchley, T.. 2015Our Columbia River watershed: Developing multi-faceted tribal/university partnerships for research, education and workforce development. CERF 2015. November 9, 2015. Portland, OR
