Needoba, J.A, Peterson, T.D., Riseman, S., Wilkin, M., Baptista, A.M.. 2015. Estuarine Biogeochemical Dynamics of Nutrients and Organic Carbon in the Columbia River: Observing Transformations Using a Biogeochemical Sensor Network. AGU Fall Meeting. December 14, 2015. San Francisco, CA |
Cervantes, B., Spitz, Y., Baptista, A.M.. 2015. Modeling the formation, retention and ecological impact of Mesodinium blooms in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR |
Karna, T., Baptista, A.M.. 2015. Water renewal time scales in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR |
Llebot, C., Spitz, Y., Baptista, A.M.. 2015. Monitoring and modeling the net ecosystem metabolism of the Columbia River estaury. CERF 2015. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR |
Baptista, A., Buskey, E., Davis, M., Leinen, M., Subramanian, V., Spitz, Y.. 2015. Our Virtual Global Estuary. CERF 2015: Grand Challenges in Estuarine & Coastal Science: Securing our Future. November 12, 2015. Portland, OR |
Herfort. L., Crump, B., Fortunato, C., McCue, L.A., Campbell, V., Simon, H., Fine, L., Baptista, A.M., Zuber, P.. 2015. Factors shaping the composition and metabolic activity of Columbia River estuarine turbidity maxima bacterial communities. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Seaton, C., Turner, P., Jesus, G., Fortunato, A., Oliveira, A., Baptista, A.M.. 2015. Operational estuarine modeling: lessons learned from selected US and Portuguese estuaries (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Morrice, K., Baptista, A.M., Karna, T., Lopez, J., Spitz, Y., MacCready, P.. 2015. Sensitivity of shelf and estuary circulation simulations to atmospheric forcing and ocean boundary conditions (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Rostaminia, M., Baptista, A.M., Lopez, J., Turner, P., Roegner, G.C., Teel, D.. 2015. Salmon habitat response to sea level rise and seismic subsidence in the Columbia River estuary (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Crump, B., Fine, L., Fortunato, C., Herfort, L., Needoba, J., Rinehimer, J.P., McNeil, C., Lopez, J.. 2015. Controls on estuarine bioreactors: particulate organic matter predicts bacterial productivity in the Columbia river estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Simon, H., Smith, M., Herfort, L.. 2015. Comparative metagenomics of sediment microbial communities in diverse lateral bays of the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Smith, M., Herfort, L., Crump, B., Fine, L., Simon, H.. 2015. Defining relationships between physical forcing and microbial population dynamics in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Zuber, P., Vorhees, I., Maxey, K., Herfort, L., Simon, H., Ribalet, F., Grobler, K., Peterson, T.. 2015. Evidence that Mesodinium major and its specific Teleaulax prey can generate red-water Mesodinium blooms (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Watson, S., Needoba, J., Peterson, T.. 2015. Role of polyphosphate accumulating organixms in diel cycling of phosphorus in the Columbia River estuary. CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Pfeiffer-Herbert, A., Lerczak, J., Prahl, F.. 2015. Quantifying temporal variability of lateral biogeochemical fluxes in a rapidly flushed estuary (poster). CERF 2015. November 11, 2015. Portland, OR |
Besse, I., Green, V., Ward, M., Watts, N., Baptista, A.M.. 2015. The biomathematics workshop: A new model for inter-institutional collaboration and interdisciplinary undergraduate research. CERF 2015. November 9, 2015. Portland, OR |
Golda, R., Golda, M., Hayes, J., Peterson, T., Needoba, J.. 2015. A novel pHstat system with variable pH capabilities for the culture of estuarine phytoplankton. CERF 2015. November 9, 2015. Portland, OR |
Green, V., Atchley, T.. 2015. Our Columbia River watershed: Developing multi-faceted tribal/university partnerships for research, education and workforce development. CERF 2015. November 9, 2015. Portland, OR |