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Fifth week. One Week in Yellowstone

At Yellowstone we collected from two spots, Purple Pool and Queens Laundry. Our main focus was Purple Pool where we collected from the vents and some outflows. We got both water samples and rock samples. After we went there we hiked about 3 miles to Queens Laundry and 3 miles back. On the trail we seen a HUGE bison. We had to go around him and go off the trail. Both sites were awesome. I had  great experience at Yellowstone.

Fourth Week of the Next Chapter

On Monday, I worked with the OLM with different samples and later I put the images I got from the OLM together.
On Tuesday, I took more pictures with the OLM. Then at twelve-thirty Jared and I went to get more pictures with the SEM. We got back around one-thirty and I continued to work with my pictures. At three-thirty I went to lab meeting where they talked about ship worms.

July 5-July 9

This week I have been working on creating triplicates of some of my samples using different types of PCR, but I have only been successful in two out of my growing number of samples. I was only successful in cloning one of my two samples, and I might be able to get it sequenced soon. Unfortunately, when I checked for inserts, my fragments proved that the cloning was successful, but they were not cut at the right lengths so the cloning may have been unsuccessful also.

Yellowstone Trip

We went to Yellowstone for the entire week to collect samples. We collected from two locations, Purple Pool and Queen's Laundry. The primary reason for our visit was to collect from Purple Pool, and we collected from different vents and outflow areas. More specifics to be presented when pictures are available.

Week Three: (July 6 - July 8, 2010): Extraction-o-rama!

This week was very short, only three days, because of the holiday on Monday and the ASE Midsummer Conference on Friday.

Week Five: Presentation preparation

This week went very well. I mostly continued with my research, and worked on putting together a presentation. I think it was very helpful to hear all the interns projects. I did not know the focus of most of them so I thought it was very interesting. I also received great feedback from my presentation, and hopefully I will be able to contact someone that will be able to help me collect samples easier. I have also gotten in contact with my mentor, and we are scheduled to meet on Monday. This will be very helpful because I can ask questions and finalize details.

Week 6: Taking a step back

This week has been mostly reviewing the data I have and presenting them at two presentations- in the group meeting and in the CMOP midterm presentation.

Fifth Week

 This week was the most strongest, because I do different things at the same time. Firstly, I plot different images of the difference of the two types of instruments that I'm working. Later, I do a histogram to see more clearly many errors point by point that have the data, and then I merge the 3 histograms models and I get another figure and I see the difference between them. That was a hard week because I worked until 9pm and 10pm. I like it! Today was the mid term presentation, and we look the different research of our partners.

Week 4: Storage, Software, and Seasickness

Here are some pictures from last week's oceanography camp.


A visit to the primate center

 Although it was a short week I managed to make a lot of progress with the 28s region of Katablepharis. The PCR using specific primers showed product so from there I cloned and transformed them into cells. I took the cells and plated them on selective plates with X-gal and ampicillin antibiotics and let them incubate overnight. The following morning I took the white cultures (the blue ones signify an incomplete transformation) and inoculated them overnight. The following day I isolated the plasmid via miniprep and digested it with EcoR1 enzyme.


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