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A visit to the primate center
Although it was a short week I managed to make a lot of progress with the 28s region of Katablepharis. The PCR using specific primers showed product so from there I cloned and transformed them into cells. I took the cells and plated them on selective plates with X-gal and ampicillin antibiotics and let them incubate overnight. The following morning I took the white cultures (the blue ones signify an incomplete transformation) and inoculated them overnight. The following day I isolated the plasmid via miniprep and digested it with EcoR1 enzyme. A run on gel showed our sequence was successfully transformed. Pete and I drove over the primate center to get the 28s region sequenced, so hopefully we get some results next week.
Below is a map of eukaryotic rDNA and the ITS region of Katablepharis. So far we have sequences for 18s, ITS1, 5.8s, and ITS2 regions, and possibly by next week a 28s region