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20 Aug - La Push line

Night shift ran CTD casts going west along the Queets River line, ending at about 0430. We then sailed to station LP-52, and began sampling along the LaPush line. We sampled at nine sites including a site over the canyon formed by the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and took water samples at four stations (LP-52, LP-32, LP-17, and LP-6). We found high surface water fluorescence close to the coast. The evening was spent motoring back to the estuary mouth

19 Aug - Dock in Astoria, OR

Night shift ran eight CTD casts going east along the Columbia River line, and then waited several hours before heading into the Columbia R. estuary. At 0800 we pulled into port in Astoria at pier 2. Michael Wilkin met the ship and drove with Byron Crump to the Fred Meyer store to buy a small cooler and 15lbs of dry ice. We transported all DNA/RNA and core samples on dry ice to a -80 freezer at the OSU extension facility in Astoria. We then gave the dry ice to Lisa Zeigler for transporting her samples back to JCVI in California.

18 Aug - Columbia River line

Night shift ran six CTD casts going east along the Cape Falcon line, and finished early enough for us to arrive at the first Columbia River line station at 0630. We visited nine stations, and took water samples at four stations (CR-7, CR-15, CR-25, CR-40). At station CR-7 we collected 12 10-liter niskin bottles at the chlorophyll maximum for Lisa Zeigler. We collected core samples at two stations (CR-15, CR-35). Rachel Schneider subsampled from the multicorer with cut-of 60-cc syringes, and froze the sediment at -80. We completed the final cast at about 2000 hours.

17 Aug - Cape Meares line

[img_assist|nid=755|title=Multicorer|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=200|height=150]. Night shift ran six CTD casts going east along the Cascade Head Line starting at 2200 yesterday, and finished early so that we arrived at the Cape Meares line before breakfast at 0700. We sampled at nine stations, collecting water at four stations (CM-3, CM-10, CM-20, and CM-a). We completed 2 sets of samples before lunch and another right after lunch. Dale Hubbard noticed a sand/mud sediment signal on the echo sounder at station CM-30, so we deployed the multicorer in ~500m of water.

16 Aug - Newport Hydroline

Night shift ran four CTD casts going east along the Lincoln Beach line starting at 0130. We arrived at station NH-1 on the Newport Hydroline, and started sampling at 0830. We've had several days of northerly winds creating a down-welling situation. Surface salinity was pretty constant across the shelf and slope. Conditions became rough with medium to high seas as we moved offshore. Two of the scientific staff became seasick. We conducted CTD casts at nine stations, and and collected water at four station (NH-3, NH-10, NH-30, and NH-45). We started sampling the last station at 2000.

15 Aug - Strawberry Hill Line, sampling methods

First full day of sampling along the Strawberry Hill line. The latitude of our line is not parallel with the real Strawberry hill; it is closer to Cape Perpetua. We sampled water at four stations collecting surface, deep chl max and bottom (stations SH-30. SH-70, SH-b and SH-f). No coring, no big JCVI samples. Detected hypoxia in bottom waters at the 100m station and the 1500m station. Started sampling at 1045. Last sample was collected after dark, although cast began at dusk - deep cast to 1500m required about an hour, and we collected surface water at the end of the cast.

Cruise diary, day 6: 21 Aug 2007

6:30 am leave the Maritime Museum Dock in Astoria to reach our North Channel station west of the bridge. Suzanna Brauer has joined us again for the day to collect samples to study manganese oxidizers. Again we took CTD cast every 30 min for the whole tidal cycle and did not see a true ETM event yet only a small increases in OBS values in the morning (which we sampled).

cruise diary, day 5: 20 Aug 2007

6:00 am leave the Maritime Museum Dock in Astoria. Suzanna Brauer has joined us for the day to collect samples to study manganese oxidizers. Michael Wilkin is also joining us for the morning to hook up the ADP interface (Michael left the Barnes on the Forerunner). Coordination with the Forerunner which is doing a trans-south channel transect at the location of the Barnes, and North Channel and South Channel transects. We took CTD cast every 30 min for the whole tidal cycle.

cruise diary, day 4: 19 Aug 2007

Left Rainier Dock on Columbia River early in the morning to sample 3 times in the Columbia River at Beaver Army Dock (station 6, casts 9, 10 and 11). Sediment sampling with Shipeck grab sampler. We then returned to the MERTS campus to install the new side-mount ADP. In the evening we sailed to the Maritime museum dock in Astoria to be closer to our sampling site the next morning in the South channel.

cruise diary, day 3: 18 Aug 2007

Leave Port of Vancouver Dock on Columbia River to collect water samples in the Columbia River before the Confluent with the Willamette River (station 2, cast 5), the Willamette River before the Confluent with the Columbia River (station 3, cast 6), after the Confluent of Columbia and Willamette River. (station 4, cast 7) and in the Columbia River at Columbia City (station 5, cast 8). A grab sediment sample (very sandy) was also collected at station 5.


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