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19 Aug - Dock in Astoria, OR
Night shift ran eight CTD casts going east along the Columbia River line, and then waited several hours before heading into the Columbia R. estuary. At 0800 we pulled into port in Astoria at pier 2. Michael Wilkin met the ship and drove with Byron Crump to the Fred Meyer store to buy a small cooler and 15lbs of dry ice. We transported all DNA/RNA and core samples on dry ice to a -80 freezer at the OSU extension facility in Astoria. We then gave the dry ice to Lisa Zeigler for transporting her samples back to JCVI in California. Charles Seaton and Ethan VanMatre met the ship and uploaded model predictions/forecasts into the SWAP system. Several members of the scientific staff and crew got off the ship and relaxed for a few hours. Christina Tweed, Lisa Zeigler, and Fred Jones (the mate) got off the ship. Wiley Evans and Captain Rick Verlini came on board. Captain Dan Arnsdorf remained on board to serve as 1st Mate. We left port at 1200 and sailed up the Washington Coast, and arrived the Queets River line station QR-3 at 2130.
[img_assist|nid=770|title=Rachel Schneider working the filtration rigs|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=113|height=150]