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Finally Finished: Sad to Leave
The last two weeks of the program I mainly spent working on my poster and paper. There was not much I could do in the lab since my part in the experiment was already finished. However, my mentor Rachel tested me on my knowledge that I learned over the summer. To accomplish this she purposefully made it so the pHstat system would not work and I had to discover where the problem was located and fix the system. This helped me to better implement my knowledge of the systems set-up and maintenance.
During the last week, I also observed Rachel when she was using the Flow cytometer and other things that were related to further experimentation. I even learned how complicated it is to set up the microscope with particular filters for a specific wavelength with the laser. I even participated in the all-day process of dying algal cells and preparing the samples for the calibration curve. The whole experience was a great and I am really glad that I could participate in this program. I learned many new things and even participated in my own research project. Overall the internship was a great experience and I would recommend it for anyone!