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The End of All Things (And the Start of New Beginnings)
Submitted by Kevin Duffy on August 12, 2011 - 4:58pm
Today marks the final day and final blog of my summer internship here at CMOP. My time here has been wonderful. I have learned a variety of new techniques, built amazing relationships, and gained vast amount of knowledge in a field of science I know little about. I know that I am taking away valuable lessons and skills that will assist me in my future as a college student and as a scientist. CMOP has opened doors to new possibilities and has given me new perspectives on career options.
This summer experience has been unforgettable and I know that it is just a stepping stone to where I am destined to go. Where that is I do not know yet. Whether it will be a microbiologist in a hospital, and occupational therapist, or even a doctor, what I have gained here at CMOP will allow me to run the race, fight the good fight, and get to the goal.
Thank you to Vanessa Green, Holly Simon, Mouzhong Xu, and all of the wonderful interns that I will not forget.