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Week 8 - Time to Kick it into Gear

Another busy week has come and gone.  This week was filled with lab work, statistical analysis, field trips, and stress.  I started Monday off by running more water samples through the FlowCAM and further studying their PCA.  We had a lab meeting on Wednesday at which I heard more about other people’s projects and discuss the progress of my project.  On Thursday some of the interns took a trip to Astoria, OR to see the MERTS campus where extensive CMOP field work is done and the research equipment is built.  On Friday we heard from some of the CMOP graduate students about how they got to where they are today and what advice they give to undergraduate students.  This was very informative and helpful because, although their graduate student experience may not be exactly what I want mine to be like, it really helps knowing that I have options; I just have to find my passion and let it take me where I want to go.

I now only have two weeks left!  I have to finish my experiments, create and give my final presentation, and write my final paper; it’s crunch time.