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Week 7 - Busy as a Bee

My seventh week has now come to a close; it is amazing how fast time flies when you’re having fun with science.  With the final stretch of my summer internship right around the corner, this week has been very busy with field trips and lab work.  The week began with a group meeting where we figured out the necessary next steps to take.  It was quite convenient that we had a CMOP trip to Bonneville Dam scheduled for Tuesday because I was able to collect a couple needed water samples.  I then ran these samples though the FlowCAM and established a control set of data.  Additionally, I added herbicide to a small sample and ran that through the FlowCAM.  My task now is to compare these results using PCA.

As previously mentioned, we took a trip to Bonneville Dam this week and had a tour of the Dam; it was interesting to hear the history of the Dam and the surrounding area.  Furthermore, we hiked to the top of Multnomah Falls, went to a fish hatchery, visited OHSU School of Medicine, and I even went to see Kenny Chesney in concert!  Visiting OHSU School of Medicine was an informative experience because I was able to witness how the hospital and laboratory atmospheres collaborated and meshed into one giant campus environment.
With only three weeks left, there is not a moment to waste; it is crucial that I use my time wisely.  I want to leave here knowing that I made a real impact on my specific project, on those around me, and on the CMOP program as a whole.