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Matlab Status: Busy…2 Hours Later: Still Busy

            I swore to myself after I took a class about it that I would never use Matlab again. It’s not intuitive at all, it has a help function that only really helps you if you know the name of the command you’re trying to execute, and it resembles a dictionary in another language that you would like to speak but can’t because the dictionary only shows you the meanings of the words rather than how to string them together. Yet here I am day-in and day-out relearning Matlab and its ridiculous language.

            Basically, I ran into a snitch with the previously mapped-out process for filtering the SELFE outputs and had to start using Matlab rather than c-code to filter them instead. So in essence I’ve kind of had to start over, but it’s fine because I learn more this way. Currently I’m having some success filtering the data, but the return time to filter the outputs is pretty long compared to the return time of the c-code. So as I wait for Matlab to filter all of the data outputs from SELFE, I work on other scripts that will hopefully generate single figures as well as time-series figures of the number of filter criteria hours satisfied per day for each of the four SELFE parameters. Once that’s done I would like to be able to evaluate all four parameters at once (i.e. have the filter evaluate the temperature, velocity, salinity, and elevation outputs all at once), but that’s easier said than done and is still a work in progress. In the mean time, I need to make the basics work before I can put any of the fancy stuff into the product display. So I’m going to cross my fingers and hope that the filter scripts finish processing the data before I die of old age and frustration.