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Week 4: Oh! The Places I'll Stay

These first few weeks have passed at a breakneck speed
performing a multitude, a sundry, of deeds.
Everything was dandy and going to plan,
But, alas, this week, my hopes hit the fan.

For I have come to a place which every scientist fears,
A place that can bring grown men to childish tears.

The Waiting Place...for an intern just waiting.

Waiting for new hexanes to come to make the GC go,
or a full canister of propene to come, or for TCP to go,
or waiting around for the pH probe to beep,
or waiting for the sewers to stop their leak.
I am just waiting.

That is not for me.
Somehow I will escape this incessant waiting in the hopes to find,
something constructive to do, or totally lose my mind.

Midterm presentations need presenting, and background articles need finding, 
Data needs organizing, and final paper introductions need writing. 

So don't fret and don't worry over little ole' me
I have stayed busy and my soul flies free,
For hope yet remains, that next week will bring,
more fruitful, fun and excitable things.