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A new approach to obtaining THE katablepharis 28S
The jet lag I experienced in North Carolina quickly wore off as I came back to Oregon. I am really excited to be back in the lab. On Monday I designed a primer that is still specific to Katablepharis, but starts in a different region than I had previously attempted amplification. As stated in previous blogs, I was getting partial sequences of Katablepharis 28S. This newly designed primer will hopefully amplify the complete sequence, which will size in at about 3000 base pairs. I am very excited to see the results of the PCR using this new primer. On a side note, I used chemical competent cells for cloning for the first time and they were successful in obtaining more ITS2 sequences.
Next week the undergrad interns give presentations of their time here at CMOP. I am interested in seeing what everyone else has been working on.
PIC of the week - Fellow Oregonians take the time to appreciate this one. This is an aerial view of Oregon on my way back from the east coast. The greenness is definitely something unique to the Pacific Northwest.