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Week 7: for i=1:infinity ..., % Keep Debugging end % (not really)
This week has mostly been about debugging the program. In its current state, the .m file of my code just for the graphical user interface is just a little over 900 lines long. That means 900 opportunities for the code to glitch on me. Most of the glitches were due to my errors: letting loops run too long or using specialized function for the first time. I think I must have gotten a good percentage of the error messages in the Matlab dictionary this week. There's still a few issues with the code, but it's basically functional as a beta version.
Since I'm not really doing a research project, my proposal will deal with evaluating the validity of the data extracted from the program. Nutrient/Salinity curves from other Nitrate measurement instruments at the Saturn-03 and Saturn-05 stations will be compared to one generated from APNA data. This will be a good litmus test of the quality of the code I've written this summer.
Tomorrow I get to go on a once in a lifetime opportunity. I will accompany my mentors on a research cruise along the Columbia River and its plume. This will be an awesome learning experience.