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Week 7: Building a Survey
This week I mainly focused on building my survey. I researched other surveys that have been administered for issues like shellfish contamination. It was difficult to find information at first, but I eventually found useful information that helped give me ideas. In my survey I asked questions such as; which months do you harvest shellfish the most, how do you cook your shellfish, are you aware of the prohibited harvesting areas, are you aware of the summer precautions, etc. I think this is a very good start. I now need to focus on setting it up in the correct format, and picking areas to administer my survey. I think I will conduct a verbal survey on the beach because then I can be sure that they are answering all the questions. I have also began to research different areas along the shore line to see which ones are prohibited or approved. This way I can get an idea of where I should administer my survey.