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Sequence analysis, Microbial Food Web essay, Poster alterations
Completed alterations to poster and re-submitted to Wendy.
Completed reading / note taking on essay questions. Began brainstorming for various means of organization, finally resolving to follow a pattern similar to the order of questions asked. Certain sections will be answered throughout as opposed to being limited to pre-determined distinctions. This was decided to allow for better continuity throughout the essay
Spent all day writing my paper. Finished approximately 5 pages, which accounts for about half of what I want to write. When I finish I will edit it down some and hope to end with about 8 pages.
Finished first draft of paper. Edited down to 7.5 pages.
Received notification that sequence information is currently. I have been waiting for word from Wendy what the login information to view it is, as well as waiting for word from Rick on when I can install the software on my computer so I can begin analysis on the sequences.
Installed software on my computer
Began analysis of sequences (cut sequences to primer beginning, separated by plate and primer [27F 1492R Other], and started cutting down sequences by fidelity value)
Cut sequences to 400 bp, separated files of 1-6 and 7-12, began running sequencing in RDP
Performed nitrogen enrichments (Os, Os +Mn, Lept, Mn Reducing) from original enrichment samples as per Wendy.