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More 28S and a trip to OHSU
Continuing on last week's progress, I obtained more 28S sequences. However, since the specific primers start from the ITS 2 region, only a fragment of about 400 base pairs of the 28S region is amplified. The 28S region is approximately 3000 base pairs long. Next week I plan on developing primers within the 28S region to obtain more of the sequence.
On Friday we went on a tour of the School of Medicine at the Oregon Health and Science University. The tour was very informative as our group gained insight and perspectives from both graduate students and the administration. OHSU is an institution I would be very interested in continuing my research career at. I have been to the Doernbechers Children's Hospital in previous years, but I was mesmerized by the view of Portland that the graduate students had in one of their break:
Friday was also the first time I have every used the MAX and tram system. Coming from a smaller Corvallis, OR I didn't realize how many people used public transportation! Oh and for all you Oregon State University fans out there - I found a family of beavers hanging out in downtown Portland.