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Weeks 2&3

These last two weeks have been incredibly busy. Last Tuesday a group of interns and myself went on a one day reasearch cruise with the oceanography camp to learn how to take water samples. Not only did we learn that, we also learned why bananas are not allowed on a boat (they attract monkeys). Thursday we continued with this project by extracting DNA and putting in a gel to set. We were supposed to see the results on Friday, but that never happened. The rest of the week I worked on a summary of everything we had done so far for Antonio, as well as researching tides. By the end of the week MATLAB and I came to an agreement: if it worked for me, I wouldn't get mad at it.
This Tuesday we got our new laptops, which work so much faster than the old computers. MATLAB will also open most of the time now, as opposed to rarely. On MATLAB we have been getting data from the database and comparing it to model data that we get from Pat, but soon we will be able to get it ourselves. Sierra and I just recieved our new project, which is to compare data from the past year in two week segments.
On Monday Sierra, Monica and I will be presenting for the E.A.R.T.H. teachers workshop, and we've been spending some time putting together our presentation for that.

Our cruise group