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Week Two and Beyond

A lot has happened since I last blogged. First off, last week I was able to go with the oceanography camp on a one-day research cruise in the estuary. The cruise was a lot of fun. I learned a lot about lab work aboard a boat and some basic boat terminology. On Thursday after the boat cruise, I was able to extract the DNA from my water sample. After working in the lab for three hours, I was able to insert the DNA into the gel where it would set. I never did see the result of the DNA but it was a great experience to work in the lab. On Tuesday I recieved my new laptop, I can now access data from the database and MATLAB seems to cooperate more often. I am now able to download data of the database to compare visually and statistically with the data from DB22. I am working on creating pages that contain graphs of Tansy, SandI, cbnc03 and am169 along with the statistical analysis between the datasets. I will be working on these graphs for the next week, and on Monday Julia, Monica, and I are giving a presentation to the E.A.R.T.H. workshop partcipants. I will try and blog more often in the next week.
