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Week 1 Exploring Matlab and CDOM

Hi Everyone,

My name is Naomi Shah and I am a rising sophmore at Sunset High School. I am working under Dr. Baptista.

This week I have had explored Matlab with the other high school interns and Grant. At first the syntax was a little confusing but after I got the hang of it I was able to set up time series and compare data sets to one another, visually. Learning this was really helpful because I was better able to understand the trends between different variables such as salinity, temperature, and time. I have worked a little with Maple (a program similar to Matlab) this past year, which also relies heavily on learning all the syntax.

Dr. Baptista introduced us to a research project related to CDOM (Colored Dissolved Organic Matter). I am just starting to research CDOM and have made a couple of trips to the library building. My goal is to read at least 10 journal articles to become more knowledgable about this subject.

I'm really excited to be working here and I'm looking forward to a great summer!


P.S. For those of you who I ate lunch with on Wednesday, I found out a little more about double rainbows. As you may know, light reflects inside the raindrop and splits up into the spectrum of visible light. To create a double rainbow, the light reflects not once, but twice, inside of each raindrop."This light is refracted into its constituant colors to form the second rainbow above the first. In the second rainbow the colors are in reverse order from the first. Because it is a double reflection of the light in the raindrop, the angle from which we see the rainbow on the ground are different from the primary first rainbow. This difference ensures that there will always be a separation between the two rainbows." (Yahoo Answers)