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End of week 1: MatLab and other things
Today is Friday and the end of my first week here. We (the high school interns) will be here at CMOP for eight weeks (37 days) total. Again, my frontline mentor is Grant. To start Grant gave me three classroom activities to be translated into Spanish. Because I have been doing other things, such as MatLab tutorial, I have only been able to complete one of the three activities he gave me. I must say that even though I am a native Spanish speaker it was difficult translating these scientific papers from English to Spanish. On Wednesday and Thursday morning from 9:30am-12pm, Grant gave us (Sierra, Julia, Priyam, Naomi, Carolyn and me) a MatLab tutorial. The tutorial was very helpful and Grant did a fabulous job at helping us through the process. Today we will be having our first meeting with Antonio and this group and we are required to give a little presentation on what our project is for the summer and the progress we have made. Also, we will be going to the brown bag seminar at lunch time. This week has been great and I hope the following weeks are too.
Highlights of the week:
- Meeting the other high school interns
- The pizza lunch on Tuesday
- Getting my ID badge
- Going to the pond
- Seeing a double rainbow
- The awesome weather