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Week Two: Bill Lambert's Questionnaire Design Class
This week I took Bill Lambert's class on Questionnaire Design and Data Entry using Epidata. I will most likely be conducting surveys and questionnaires for my internship. This class was helpful because it taught me how to identify a strong survey, and how to design one. I have never designed surveys so this was a crucial class. It was extremely helpful because it taught me the keys to a good survey and how to avoid mistakes. Together as a class we went though existing surveys, and identified what changes were needed and what was fine. This was helpful because I needed experience working through surveys and looking at every aspect of them. Then at the end of the week we learned how to enter collected data into epidata. This was another very helpful process because there are so many codes and abbreviations that are needed in order for epidata to work correctly. I can now do this on my own, and I know it will be beneficial for my internship and also for future projects.