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This week I have spent most of my time just watching lines. As exciting as that sounds, it was actually quite frustrating, because the lines were not being shown as I was expecting them to. They seemed too spikey at some parts, and sometimes they would go to who knows where, and then back to where they were at. I managed to eliminate a large amount of points which made the lines to look somewhat decent. Having done this, it allowed me to put more work into my Python to actually get a tour to follow the line which represents the trail of a glider mission. This task was something big, and it has been accomplished, but there are various factors that I must look into now that this is working. Getting the camera to follow the line was something rather easy; however, the issues I face now is getting the camera to face the direction of the line. In other words, the camera has to rotate North, South, East, or West while moving. I’m not sure yet how I will accomplish this. One method I’m thinking about is calculating the distant points to obtain an angle in order to determine the rotation of the camera. Vectors seem like the only solution to this problem.
My mentor, Senior Scientist, and I gathered this week to speak to the coordinators of the K-12 program. They seem very interested into using Google Earth for their classrooms. But there are still a lot of questions as of what they want to teach their students. Since I have no idea of anything that concerns those matters (such as teaching) I’ll just stick to whatever decision they make concerning that.
As for the presentations this week, I’ll say that they did spice things up quite a bit. However, when my time to present came, it actually did not go as bad as I expected.