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Week 4! - Components of my GUI
This week I put together the basic components of my GUI. These components include a graphing axes, pop-up menus for the user to select variables given a time range and station, options for selecting and flagging data, and push buttons to allow the user to submit the criteria to the database. Once I had the graphical components together, I worked on the background coding to allow the input to interact with other components to provide the desired output. For instance, the graph button takes in the variable, time, and station information from the other components and using SQL to retrieve data from the database. While working on this, I also had to take a lot of time out to find the correct MATLAB syntax for what I wanted my program to do and the correct SQL syntax for obtain the information needed. Its pretty cool to be able to learn a couple new languages that my project is heavily relying on. So far, I think my biggest obstacle is creating this program efficiently...there is sooo much data in the database that I'm afraid if a user were to pick a fairly large time frame that it may flood and crash the program. Hopefully I will be able to smooth out the rough edges. Here is a rough (kinda small) screen shot of what it looks like so far.