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Weeeeeeeeek the foist

This week, I met all the interns, CMOP staff, and the people that'll be working in the same lab as me (Dr.Needoba's, aka Joe's lab). I am slowly beginning to understand what my project for the summer will entail. I've read a lot of background information; the idea of using fluorescence to measure the amount of ammonia in a sample is wholly new to me. I also conjured up some ammonia standards of varying concentrations, and I made a working reagent solution, which I need to mix with the standards before running them through the fluorometer. The first time I used the fluorometer, I measured all my standards to find that, to my surprise, I had made them horribly wrong! I'm talkin measurements off by at least 200,000 units. Contamination - very bad! But, the day was not a total waste, since I did manage to shatter one glass bottle all over the floor. Jessie:1, Bottle:0. The second time I ran my standards through the fluorometer, I still got odd numbers, but definitely better than the first time. So, I remade my standards today and will hopefully get the most awesomest results ever tomorrow. And no more broken bottles. Unless one looks at me funny. I have a bad temper when it comes to smart-alecky bottles. D:< 

I'm gonna measure those samples' fluorescence so bad, they'll wish they never fluoresced at all.