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18 May 2009 – La Push Line
On our way to the LaPush line we stopped at 0651 at 47deg37.73, -125deg36.865 to collect water for a primary production measurement. We then continued our journey and began sampling the LaPush line at Station LP-52 at 0943. At this station we collected water from three depths (B, M, S) for the standard suite of chemical, biological and nucleic acid samples. I collected a bottom sample for filtration onto a 142 mm diameter 0.2um filter for RNA. We also conducted a second, shallow CTD cast to collect additional surface water for nutrient addition experiments and for phytoplankton culturing efforts.
We conducted CTD casts at LP-52, 42, 32, 4, 6, 9, 12, 17, 22, and 27. Stations were done in this order because the ship’s captain wanted to visit the near-shore sites during daylight hours so it was easier to maneuver around crab-trap buoys. Water was collected at LP-32, 17, and 6, including another shallow cast at LP-17 for additional incubation experiments and culturing efforts. The series ended at 2350 and we began a CTD survey of the 100m isobath along the Washington coast.>