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Hello everyone...Can you believe it, our 8 weeeks are up? Sometimes it feels like I just started yesterday and other times I feel like I'v been here my whole life! Wow, this has been such an amazing, awesome experience, I seriously wouldn't change it for anything ;]. It has been such a pleasure to work with such awesome, smart people (shout outs to Matthew, Monica, Nirzwan, Grant, Karen, Antonio...the list goes on!)
It has been so comfortable working here, thanks to everyone who did their best to make us feel welcome and part of the "family." Thanks to Nirzwan, Grant, Antonio, Karen for being such awesome mentors and all around awesome people!Thanks to Vanessa for inviting us to the brown bag lunches and for stopping by with candy! Thanks to everyone who invited us to seminars. Thanks to everyone who answered whatever questions we had and especially thanks to Jim Mohan for helping us print out our poster!!
Well, I just wanted to say I've really enjoyed my time here. It has been fun (and a good learning experience ;]) Thanks to everyone who made it worthwhile. It has been great getting to know you all and I hope to keep our connections in the future!
Goodbye! :[ :]