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Bubble boy
I'm back on land! Interestingly enough I spent a good part of yesterday afternoon feeling like I was still out at sea. It really set in in the shower and bed. Who doesn't love lying in bed at night feeling like you are rocking back and forth, constantly. Just to make sure this was common, ok I know this is common but I wanted to know why, I did a bit of research. According to Elizabeth Svaboda, of the International Herald Tribune, "Landsickness" or "reverse seasickness" is familiar to many people who have taken long cruises. Once the body has become accustomed to constant motion, the vestibular system, which controls balance, usually takes a few hours or days to acclimate to being on land again. But in (some) patients . . . who suffer from what is known as mal de débarquement, or debarkation sickness, the brain never seems to readapt." Jeez, I better readapt or I'll just have to live out at sea. A bright future of oceanography?
Don't write off all future cruises though. It seems that although some believe that debarkation sickness is triggered by a moving environment some think otherwise. The same symptoms can be seen in victims of head trauma, and serious viral infections. So, maybe in stead of avoiding all ship activity we should not only avoid all ship activity, but also any source of accidental head trauma, and viral infections.
Hello bubble boy.