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WEEK SIX - Zooplankton
I don't have too many interesting details on the project for this week. I have been slowly but steadily adding more layers to my IBM. I have been working on the eating and movement behavior of the zooplankton. I would say that a majority of my time this week has been spent in trying to make the model run faster. MATLAB is very user friendly, but not very efficient if you ask me. I bet if I was more familiar with it, I'd know some more tricks to get it to run faster. But it still runs! So I guess that is the important part. Next, week I'll work on adding in Growth and Reproduction functions and then I should be pretty close to the time to start running some experiments!
Also, this week my boyfriend visited from Rhode Island and I got to show off Portland. We hiked through Forest Park to Pittock Mansion and got a great view of Mt. Hood, Mt. St. Helen's and of Portland itself. We got some pretty scenic pictures from there. (Check out the one of me and Mt. Hood...look close to see it on the left.)
We also went into Portland a couple nights and checked out some local restaurants and breweries. Then we headed to Horning's Hideout to go to the Northwest String Summit! This place has a natural amphitheater where the ground forms a sort of half-bowl type shape. You can sort of see this in the picture below. The festival was a great time and I would recommend it to anyone living in the Portland area who has an interest in bluegrass. Horning's Hideout is a beautiful place.