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WEEK 4 7/7/08-7/11/08
On Monday, we gave a presentation to Antonio and that went well. Then after that, I spoke to Lydie Herfort about the data from her cruise last August where they took samples during an ETM. Then, I imported the data into Excel with minor difficulties since it was in a weird format. Then on Wednesday we had to give a presentation to our parents in the evening of what we've been working on all this time and our long term and short term goals. Then Grant wanted to put the cruise data into Excel, so I started formatting the data by hand which was taking like 5 years. It was an extremely tedious task. -_- So then he started writing a program to do it.
I started reading Seassonal and Tidal Monthly Patterns of Particulate Dynamics in the Columbia River Estuary which has got to be the most boring and hard to understand essay in the world. Ugh. 14 pages of headache, except for the intro which was not bad, but then it all goes downhil from there :/