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Summer Course on Indian Tribes and the Federal Government
05/07/09 Portland, Ore.
CMOP is offering an eight week non-credit course that focuses on the unique governmental status of Indian Tribes and their relationship to other governments – federal, state and local – with an emphasis on natural resources. For people working within the natural resource management fields, it is important to learn basic facts about Tribes, treaty rights and the federal trust responsibility to protect Tribes and tribal resources.
The course will explore mutual responsibilities of Tribes and the US, as well as delegated responsibilities of the federal government to states and local governments.
The course will be taught by the Honorable Elizabeth Furse, founder of the Institute for Tribal Government and former US Congresswoman (OR.1). The course will also feature guest speakers who are expert in natural resource protection, history, and the law.
Course Title: Indian Tribes and the Federal Government
Dates : June 17, 24; July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29; August 5
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Where: Wilson Clark Center, Room #403, OHSU West Campus. Views Map and Directions to campus.
Audience This course is open to all. CMOP and OHSU students, interns, staff, faculty.