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Kick-off meeting for international collaboration
The G-Cast project was kicked-off on September 14th, 2007, with a video conference connecting Lisbon, Portugal and Portland, Oregon. G-Cast is a 3-year collaborative project led by Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, with other Portuguese partners being Universidade de Aveiro and Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas. CMOP researchers Antonio Baptista, Paul Turner and Joseph Zhang are project collaborators.
The project focuses on the investigation of the effects of climate change (sea level rise, increased storminess) on the evolution of two Portuguese coastal systems, using advanced modeling systems that will be newly implemented in a grid computing infrastructure. The coastal systems are Lagoa de Óbidos and Ria de Aveiro.
A rapid-deployment forecasting system (RDFS) for 3D estuarine circulation, developed at CMOP, is one of the core elements of the G-Cast modeling system. This technology, which leverages the circulation models ELCIRC and SELFE, will be expanded by the G-Cast team to include sand transport and bottom morphology evolution, and will be implemented in a grid computing environment.