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Summer Internship Program - 2008
The 2008 National Science Foundation's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program was held from June 9 through August 15 at CMOP. The summer internship provided undergraduates an opportunity to conduct research in a "graduate school" setting. Below you will find information about the interns, learn about their research projects, and access their weekly blogs.
Meet the Interns
Shakira Bandolin
Bio: Biochemistry Junior, Eastern Oregon University
Project: Linking Microbial Community Structure to Active Biogeochemical Cycles
Project description (.doc)
Kristine Buddemeyer
Bio: Mathematics Senior, Providence College
Project: Computer Modelling of Zooplankton to Obtain Grazing Rate Equation
Project description (.doc)
Anna-Mai Christmas
Bio: Marine Biology Junior, University of the Virgin Islands
Project: Determination of nanomolar concentrations of acetaminophen in aqueous media by a simple colorimetric method using a liquid waveguide capillary cell coupled to a UV/Vis spectrophotometer
Project description (.doc)
Shu Feng
Bio: Bioengineering Senior, University of Washington
Project: Hydrogen Peroxide Detection Using Bigenic and Synthetic MnO2
Project description (.doc)
Patricia Frazeur
Bio: Environmental Engineering Freshman, Oregon State University
Project: Modeling for The Estuarine Turbidity Maximum
Project description (.doc)
Luke Henslee
Bio: Biology Junior, George Fox University
Project: ClpXP catalyzed proteolysis of the global regulator Spx is enhanced by the adaptor protein YjbH
Project description (.doc)
Chantel Johnson
Bio: Computer Science Sophomore, Clark Atlanta University
Project: Designing an Application to Collect, Store and Organize Data Online
Project description (.doc)
Shana Radford
Bio: Political Science Senior, Portland State University
Project: Creating a Tribal Portal Database
Project description (.doc)
Alexandra Rios
Bio: Kinesiology Freshman, University of Southern California
Project: The Microbial Communities Associated with Marine Sponges and their Capability of Producing Secondary Metabolites
Project description (.doc)
Julia Schoen
Bio: Environmental Engineering Junior, Cornell University
Project: Fluorescent Whitening Agents and their Applications as Tracers of Municipal Wastewater
Project description (.doc)
Kaitlin Tyrol
Bio: Biology Senior, University of Delaware
Project: RNA Content of Water Samples from the Columbia River Estuary and Plume
Project description (.doc)
Lauren Vice
Bio: Biochemistry Senior, Willamette University
Project: Trichloroethylene Degradation with Zero Valent Iron
Project description (.doc)
Nicole West
Bio: Biology Sophomore, Whitman College
Project: Gene Expression in Eukaryotic Microorganisms in the Columbia River Estuary during ETM and Red Water Events
Project description (.doc)