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Salinity - 5 of 7

How does your plot look? Just like the time series plot you saw before? Perhaps it was empty? Sometimes data do not exist for the default time period. So wouldn't it be handy to change the time period? And wouldn't it be nice if you could specify that time period to be something other than the last 2, 7, or 15 days? Well friends, with Data Explorer you can! Try this...

  1. At the top-right of your figure you will see a wrench icon. Hover the cursor over it to reveal several tools -- choose "EDIT".
  2. This will bring up the same window you had before. This time, instead of clicking "Done", click on "Next"
  3. Now you will see a series of buttons and pull-down menus that give you great flexibility in the dates that are included in the plot. Choose a new data range then click "Done" again to update your figure.

Try playing around with the date range a bit to see what sorts of patterns appear daily, monthly or seasonally.

But what about the salinity data over the entire water column? That's next!
