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Abigail Vorhies's blog

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

 06/30/2015 Day 17

Today we are still trying to get some M.major data. I found a source on CMOP site but I’m not sure if it is the one that I want. Tawnya is supposed to come by later today and hopefully she will be able to give some insight.

I just got done speaking to her and she doesn’t have m.major data, but she will hopefully have some for us soon. She said she would meet with us tomorrow so here’s hoping.

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/29/2015 Day 16

Happy Monday! Came in extra early today and no one is hear yet; the quiet is nice. I worked with Lydie Hertfort today, helping her with her paper. She had some notes that were about her statistical analysis and my roommate and I gave her some advice in testing for normalcy. It’s kind of nice to be able to do work that I fully understand. 

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/26/2015 Day 15

Today my roommate and I brought in fudge for the lab meeting and everyone seemed to like it. Woo! Otherwise I am looking at CT data and having problems grabbing salinity from it. But I’ll try and work something out. PS… IT’S FRIDAY!!!!

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/24/2015 Day 13

Today I am just working in R on the same thing, big surprise. The movie last night was great; we saw Jurassic World. The science was terrible but it was pretty fun and good to eat popcorn too. My roommate is not a big movie fan and she fell asleep halfway through. So far as my project goes I will be looking at the river flow versus the cell count of M.major. Also my roommate and I are going to get fudge stuff tonight and surprise the people for Friday Lab meeting. We are thinking mostly chocolate, but maybe others would like a different flavor. 

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/23/2015 Day 12

Today I will be working in R mostly. I am supposed to meet with Dr. Peterson today and hopefully she will be able to tell me some more about my project. Also there is a movie tonight that the lab is going to so I will get back with you about how that goes. 

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/22/2015 Day 11

Today was the site visit and it was exhausting. I sat in the same room for the entire day and listened to many presentations. Lydie Hertfort gave a very good presentation and Joe Something, I don’t know his name, was also very interesting. I really liked his final presentation about the new el niño that is occurring of the Oregon, Washington, and California coast. John Waterhouse was probably my favorite overall, but I might have just been excited that it was the last talk of the day. Big plus for the day, free breakfast and lunch. 

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/18/2015 Day 9

Today we moved into the doors at PSU. That took a long time and I basically didn’t do much besides look at so data from Saturn 03, but the dorms are nice and very spacious. Unfortunately there is no microwave oven. We can have a full oven and stove top with four burners, but a microwave is a fire hazard. Go figure.   

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/17/2015 Day 8

Today started out with me listening in on the practice presentations for the sight visit coming up. I listened to Lydie Hertfort give a talk about the history of sensors and how CMOP has advanced data collecting. I also listened to Dr. Peterson, my mentor, who spoke about her personal work. The talks were definitely unpolished and they have a lot of cleaning to do but the content was very interesting.

Code for Days: A CMOP Experience

06/16/2015 Day 7

I will be going on a sampling field trip today. I only have about an hour before I leave and I was going to be gone the rest of the day so I will have to relay me findings tomorrow. Otherwise I am very excited.


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