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Second-to-last week!

 This was crunch week for me, because we had our final presentations as interns at the end of the week. The HPLC had finally accepted its new column, and we had learned that it was possible to run the samples overnight without the HPLC doing something funny like leaking, so the first half of the week was spent with me running all of the DNAN samples we didn't have good data for, and finishing up the 65 degree experiments.

Week 10 Last week of Internship

I can’t believe 10 weeks of internship flew by so fast. I’m already onto week 10. This week should be fairly relaxing for me, since I finished my project last week (week 9). Technically, I’m not completely done with my project, since I have an extra +190 DNA sequences to analyze and summarize. However, I won’t be able to get these DNA sequences data until after a few more weeks (after my internship), so I can only write my paper and start my powerpoint presentation with my data I’ve collected so far.

Week 10 - It's been fun!

My last week at CMOP has been filled with a lot of hard work, but it definitely paid off. This week I had primarily been working on my final paper, getting my presentation ready, and performing some final analysis on my data. Overall I have had a very productive summer and have really been able to answer some interesting questions with the metagenomic data I have been woking with.

I'm DONE! oh wait... I still got another week to go (week 9)

Well… What can I say about this week? I am kinda done, but not done. I have already presented my final presentation, and I did get for the most part good data to work with. However, the resD mutant of one of my deletions was not very consistent, so I am going to be running a horizontal assay next week to try and figure out how it relates to the other data. To do this, I’ll be running two strains from the troubled deletion and one strain from the other deletions along with a wild type strain as a control. By doing this I will be able to bet

Finishing Up and Saying Goodbyes (Weeks 9 and 10)

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to put a blog out last week, so I am combining the last 2 weeks into 1 final blog post. Throughout these past 2 weeks, I had to do a lot of analyzing and tying up of loose ends. I figured out the memory issues, figured out the extraction of the individual peaks to get the area under them, programmed labview to be more normalized from sample to sample, ran all of the collected data through the labview program, saved all the data, analyzed the data that was outputted further (made graphs and other sorts of things), and put together a final presentation.

Assay Assay Assay!!! (week 8)

This has been a LONG week! Most days I was in the lab from about 8:30am to around 7:30pm (give or take an hour). Thus it was almost a 60hr week, and I am exhausted! Good thing though is that I am done with all my assays. All I have left for lab work next week is to finish the reaction on my last assay. Then I will be focusing on preparing my data and final presentation. Fingers crossed that my data lines up and is clean!

Week 9: Circle of Life

       As the final week approaches, we start to round out our time here at CMOP.

A new day and a new soil column

After making a new soil column I continued with measuring xanthan viscosities as a function of shear rate. The experiment is proceeding much smoother now. Although the results do not exactly match those of the capillary tube, they are very close. 

Week 7 Last 5 years of M. rubrum samples & a boat trip on the CRE

This week started out pretty tough. L. I’ve done a lot of PCR reactions already but the past few reactions I’ve done don’t seem to work or make sense. My negative control reaction always seems like it is contaminated, and my results is not what I expected either. I still can’t make the conclusion if my reagents are contaminated or somehow every PCR reaction I will mess something up. This week, I started on amplifying post bloom water samples from 10/27/2011 from the main channel and the Iwaco Harbor.

Week 8: Go the Distance

       Although it was an extremely long week, I too, just as Hurcules did, can go the distance. The end is nearing quickly, so I have to fit all of my experiments in.


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