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Week Two: More translating, oceanography camp field trip, database training, and Chipotle
This week I have continued to translate the classroom activities that Grant gave me.I have completed the two about hypoxia and density. Now I am almost done with the activity about adequate marine habitats for organisms.
On Tueday we (Sierra, Julia, Naomi, Priyam, and I) had the opportunity to join the oceanography camp students and take a field trip to Ilwaco, WA. There, we got onboard on the SeaBreeze boat and headed to the estuary. We went to two stations and observed temperature and salinity at different depths using a CTD on a niskin bottle. We also collected water samples to later do an extraction of nucleic acid (DNA & RNA). On our way back to the port, we saw a Coast Guard helicopter and two people jumping out from the helicpoter to the water. It was a very fun field trip even thought the ride to and from there was extremely long.
On Wednesday, we had a database training with Charles and Pat. We learned about PgAdmin III and queries. It was a long meeting with a lot of new information.
Today the three of us (Sierra, Julia, and I) will be going to Chipotle for lunch. It should be fun! (: