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week 3 june 30 - july 3

This week went by really fast. On Monday we went the seminar about the Response of a Partially- Stratified Estuary to Change in River flow and Tidal Amplitude. It was pretty good, I knew a little about what the presenter was talking about from my internship last year.

This week I also worked with the RDFS: Rapid Deployment Forecast System to view some models of the Columbia River. This was really fun because you can change the variables and the depths and see how the models differed. While using RDFS, I made some analysis and observations about each model for the CORIE BD16 Forecast, and then I created a PowerPoint.
My last task for this week was to get a Google map to put on the Estuary Watch and on Shana's website about Native American tribes. This was really hard to get but my mentor finally got the code and we were able to test it on one of my blogs. It was pretty exciting to see that it actually worked. Now we are trying to put placemarks on the map and find a way to save them as a website so they can be used on our websites. This sounds a little confusing but Jeff told Nirzwan and me that Paul Turner could help us with this.

On Thursday we were supposed to present our work to Antonio but he was really busy that day so they changed the date to Monday.

I hope that next week we get a lot of work done and start to see some results of the work that I’ve done so far.