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Finishing up (Week 10)
It's hard to believe that this is the final week of my internship. On Monday, I cleaned up the DNA for sequencing and on Tuesday Rick took it to the Primate Center to be sequenced. Unfortunately, we won't get any of the sequencing results back until next week. I would like to have a look at the final results, so I will probably work for a couple of days next week. After doing all that work, it would be a pity if I didn't analyze some of the results!
I gave my final presentation at our lab meeting on Tuesday. That was far more intimidating than the mid-term presentation, but I enjoyed it. Now, all that's left is for me to finish my final paper.
I am very grateful to have had this internship. It has been immensely helpful for me and I have learned so much about research, about lab techniques, about graduate school. It's been an amazing experience.