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Science is hard work!!
Ok so I am a little behind as I spent ten days on a research cruise in th CRE. Gathering data can be exciting and time consuming work. when the data was good there were a few sleepless nights for some people. I was amazed to learn how everyones intrests in the data evolved. Methods were discussed on the spot, if something wasnt working the way it was intended then great minds came together and tried to figure out why, perhaps it was test protocol that needed changeing , or air bubbles contaminating the expected results. And then there was the issues of equipment malfunction or failure, It helps to have good common sense and have the ability to think on your feet when you are in the field. And when its really quiet, it usualy means that everything is going like clockwork and people are happy. The professionalism and commeradory are amazing. I took the chance to jump in and help when any chance arived, It was long hard hours that pushed you to your physical limits, you couple that with sea sickness and you really find out who your die hard science buddies are out there. Everyone was absolutely awesome, I remember someone offering to help me as they hurled their lunch over the rail of the ship, I thought .. What a trooper, you have never seen so many grey faces eager to keep working anywhere on the planet. I was tuly amazed!
CTD operations went rather smoothly at times but with exteme currents durring strong ebbs we had to do sugery quite often to keep the sampling aperatus working properly. And mistakes are bound to happen when you are pushed to thebrink of exauhstion. I was able to learn alot about various techniques that were being used and why they were developed the way they were, everyone was happy and eager to answer questions, and quite often it was like getting a private lesson on some sort of operation or goal. CTD is atechnique used to give us a profile of the water collumn at a chosen depth which usualy coincided with the turbidity of the water, turbidity is the measurement of how far you can see through the water. Particles suspended within the water can vary in size and composition. this was all observed and sampled and analyzed on a round the clock basis while conditions were right. many of the samples are preseved for later observations or tests. You look back at nerdy stereotypes of your youth and you would think these people arent very tough, but I assure you they are as tough as they need to be to get the job done, They know how to work extremely hard under some of the harshest conditions, and still have a good time when doing it. My hat goes off to those that suffered the most out there you know who you are and I will never forget you!! I made some new friends out there, and really had a great time although the cruise only lasted ten days, I gained some expierience and memories that I will carry forever.
Thank you so much for this great opportunity
--Patrick Feller