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Patience Is a Virtue
Completion of week two has been even more extensive lit review in preparation for the weeks ahead. I am learning lots of stuff here. I have been exploring the SATURN observation network and virtual Columbia River to gain knowledge about computer modeling development and calibration. I have learned that there is alot of work in examination and comparison of both observational data and the simulation data to improve and ensure the accurasy and usability of computer modeling in science. This process is time consuming , as it can take years of data collection and comparisons before a simulation model begins to take shape and functionality. I was invited to sit in on the cyber team meating this week and observe some of the challenges being adressed and to see our dream team of cyber technology specialists in action. Comunications across disiplines is a vital part of the science here at CMOP, in any given day one could find themselves talking shop with a variety of scientists that all contribute to the acomplishments and successfullness of CMOP's various projects and goals. I am learning that Patience and attentativeness are invaluable assets in the world of science, it is often hard to see the forest through the tree's, but I am learning that it is a team effort that makes great things possible, and that it is the accumilation and focus on countless little steps that eventualy opens our eyes to the wonder and beauty of new discoveries.I am both humbled and honored to be a part of this process.
--Patrick Feller