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Week 6: Cleaning up a GUI mess
My GUI (Graphical User Interface) has gone through several iterations this week as I slowly get it to work. This is actually my first time programming a GUI, so my coding progress is less steady than I would like. Errors popped up a little too frequently for my taste week.
I've tried many iterations of the code, initially vacillating between manually coding the interface using the uicontrol function, and using the built in interface layout editor called GUIDE. The manual method has won (for now), since I found the auto-generated code from GUIDE to be too much of a 'black box' to understand, much less debug.
Also, I consolidated a few subfunctions into one GUI program which is a little easier to manage. My learn-as-you go approach has left a trail of half-functional shells of programs in my Matlab file path.
Overall, progress has been decent. My program is nearly complete, save for a few user input buttons.