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WEEK 6!! - database
Wow, I can't believe how fast this summer is going! This week I really got into my application. Charles created an account for me in the CMOP database that included quality control columns. This allowed me to connect my application to the database and alter and update the values in the database. The dataset component of my program list the stations and variables associated. There is also an input area to choose the time range. When the graph button is clicked, the data is graphed and ready to be flagged. When data is selected using the brush tool and the flag button is pressed, the index of the data selected along with the time is stored. Since I don't know how to use indexing in databases and don't know if using indexing would be efficient, I will use the time (at the flagged index) as a placemark to determine where in the database to store the flags. I've also created a variable that will store all the sql string to update the database. When the user is ready to send all the criteria to the database, a loop through the variable executes the sql statements updating the database. Now that the basic functionality is complete I will start working on cleaning up the code to handle errors and exceptions. I will also implement features which allow the user to choose how to view and graph the data as well as other features to make it more user-friendly.